All posts by dean

About dean

Metal building erector and contractor in South Florida since 1985. Owner of Commercial Metal Building Services Corp. and Tailgate Technology. Pushing the boundaries of available technology to complement the best metal building erection crews in the business.

CrewKeeper 1.10.0

iOS 7 Ready

It was quite a lot of work to adjust everything for the new iOS. New version is available in iTunes now. Device must have iOS7 installed to use this version. The App Store now allows devices to install the last version of an app that would work on your device so, if you are not updating iOS7, you can still get the current version and will not be missing any new features. This update is just about all appearance and layout changes.

CrewKeeper 1.01.0

New version released today. Download it on the App Store.

Fixed some bugs and polished some unfinished features. This is going to be last pre iOS7 version.

  • You can now change the default start and finish times.
  • You can now change the time increment, had been only 30 minute intervals.
  • Added counts of timesheets in the section headers.
  • Added counts of crewmen to title of crewmen time setting. Helps to confirm you have the correct number of men for entry.
  • Fixed some site audit and safety meeting document issues.

CrewKeeper First Release

It is Alive!

I uploaded and Apple has now approved for sale the first release version of the CrewKeeper iPhone app.

Just about two years ago, I had the idea that I could make an app to improve the field documentation for my own company and others with construction crews like mine. I started from scratch, had never used a Mac or made anything of this sort. I had done some database and applications development on Windows PC’s so I did have a basis to believe that I could learn to do it. I bought a stack of very large books and a Macbook Pro.

Using my own crews as a test bed, I have been trying out many iterations and working out the full feature set for the past year. I know that others will find it useful as it has become an invaluable tool for my operation.

You can find the CrewKeeper App for iPhone on the App Store here.

CrewKeeper first rejection

CrewKeeper did not pass the approval process. They politely notified me that they are unable to post this version.

Luckily it is not a critical issue. They have an issue with my implementation of some background services which I can do just fine without. It did help on some edge case gps inaccuracies but will work fine nonetheless.

Reworking and resubmitting the app.